Keoris: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The most recent break-away from the fallen Wravem Empire, Queen Neus Mullaras III, the Just has ruled with an even hand and is well respected among her vassals. Despite the close proximity of her capital, Tomelata, to the border with the Wravem Remnants, the border has been mostly peaceful. While Emperor Adiel still claims Keoris as a vassal, no homage has been paid in two generations.")
(Created page with "The most recent break-away from the fallen Wravem Empire, Queen Neus Mullaras III, the Just has ruled with an even hand and is well respected among her vassals. Despite the close proximity of her capital, Tomelata, to the border with the Wravem Remnants, the border has been mostly peaceful. While Emperor Adiel still claims Keoris as a vassal, no homage has been paid in two generations.")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:56, 2 November 2023

The most recent break-away from the fallen Wravem Empire, Queen Neus Mullaras III, the Just has ruled with an even hand and is well respected among her vassals. Despite the close proximity of her capital, Tomelata, to the border with the Wravem Remnants, the border has been mostly peaceful. While Emperor Adiel still claims Keoris as a vassal, no homage has been paid in two generations.